A complete decentralized cluster with high availability and load sharing

MiRTA PBX - A completely decentralized "cloud" architecture

MiRTA PBX has been developed with a great idea in mind: to eliminate every Single Point of Failure. This is the reason every component of the MiRTA PBX can be made redundant. In addition every server added to the MiRTA PBX pool increases the overall capacity, posing no limits to the number of peers, clients and tenants that can be handled by a single MiRTA PBX instance. In the picture each one of the component of the MiRTA PBX is identified.

No Single Point of Failure

A "five nines" (99.999%) service uptime is often really difficult to achieve. The approach of MiRTA PBX to the service uptime problem is simple: eliminate every Single Point of Failure by enabling multiple servers to perform the same function from a user point of view and letting the users automatically choose one of the working servers. Having multiple servers providing the same service lets you increase the overall capacity just by adding more servers to the pool.